What Are Megaphones Used for in Winter?

A THUN-450 megaphone is displayed beside a winter rescue team member riding a snowmobile.

What Are Megaphones Used for in Winter?

When you think of megaphones, you probably imagine sporting events, protests, and outdoor concerts — basically any situation where you need a tool that increases the volume of the human voice against surrounding noise or over a great distance. But when the temps start to drop, what are megaphones used for in winter? Here are a few options that you may not have thought about, and the recommended models that ThunderPower offers.

1. Winter Sports

Megaphones are great at any sporting event, and those held in winter are no exception. The biggest example that comes to mind is certainly the Winter Olympics. We’ve even had the honor of being the megaphone vendor of choice for the Games up in Canada. Having an assortment of high-quality megaphones makes coordinating large groups of people at these venues much easier, whether they’re the teams setting up and maintaining each event, or the crowds who are there to watch in person.

Recommended model: THUN-250. It’s made with heavy-duty industrial plastic, includes an extra loud siren, and offers a range of up to 1200 yards.

2. Ski Resorts

You don’t have to host a worldwide championship to need megaphones in the snow. Ski resorts depend on these units to maintain operations and make sure that skiers, snowboarders, and tubers remain safe. Emergency response can use them to communicate with customers quickly, as well as signal from the slopes. The fact that cold air affects how sound waves travel, allowing voices to be heard farther away, also helps.

Recommended model: THUN-450. This model offers convenient handling with a shoulder strap and palm mic, and comes with a range of up to 1400 yards.

3. Winter Training

Even if sporting events aren’t being held, that doesn’t mean athletes aren’t practicing — and that includes rowers! Coaches need the best means to direct their rowing teams during winter training to make sure no one gets injured.

Recommended model: THUN-1200. Known as “The Earthquake Maker,” this is the loudest megaphone ThunderPower currently carries, giving you a range of up to 2000 yards.

4. Emergency Kits

We’ve talked before about what items are essential in an emergency kit, and megaphones are definitely one of them. More reliable than cell phones, and easier to keep charged, these units can make all the difference for allowing rescue services to find you. Winter can be one of those times when inclement weather may threaten power, heat, and road travel, which means you want the best communications equipment available to make sure your voice is heard.

Recommended model: Any. This may depend more on your living situation and available storage with your emergency kit, but we think any ThunderPower megaphone will be good enough to help you in a crisis. That said, you can’t go wrong by having the loudest, which means the THUN-1200 may be the one you want to select.

Ready To Purchase Your Next Megaphone?

What are megaphones used for in winter? Turns out, a lot! If there are other examples you can think of that we missed, let us know! And if it’s time to place your order for the best megaphones available on the market, we’ve got plenty of ThunderPower options in stock that are ready to ship as soon as the day they’re purchased!

Call us today at 877-782-7073 to talk about the units you need.